Acknowledgment for APICES collaboration in a clinical trial published in BMC Cancer.

This month, we want to share the acknowledgment that APICES has received in a recent publication in BMC Cancer in which APICES has collaborated in several tasks of the project. This means to all APICES team an extra motivation in order to give continuity to the implication we have in every project in which we collaborate. From APICES, we are proud because of the recognition of our work and we want to thank Spanish Cooperative Group for the Treatment of Digestive Tumours (TTD), Dr. Alfredo Carrato and Dr. Enrique Grande for the opportunity they have given to APICES to appear in the publication acknowledgments, and congratulate them for their project success.
The study asses the efficacy and safety of regorafenib when is administered in first-line to frail patients with advanced colorectal cancer (CRC) through a pilot phase II trial.
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