Quality Policy

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apices is firmly committed since its foundation to the principles of quality and which is integrated by a team of professionals with demonstrated extensive experience and solid training.
The organization is geared to respond to its customers, employees, shareholders, and legal requirements; and it is for this reason that since its creation the principles of customer focus and satisfaction have become its signs of identity.

APICES, to ensure his social responsibility and the sustainability of its business, has decided to implement a Quality Management System based on the reference standard UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2015, supported by the implementation of the core subjects and issues of the ISO 26000:2010 on Corporate Social Responsibility and the development of a Sustainability Report according to the Global Reporting Initiative standards.

  management, in order to reinforce commitment to the requirements and to increase customer, employees, shareholders and public authorities’ satisfaction, states the following commitments:

> To comply with customers’ requirements, as well as legal and regulatory requirements, affecting the performance and delivery of services entrusted to.

> To continuously improve processes and services as a fundamental tool for increasing the effectiveness, efficiency, competitiveness and customer loyalty

> To perform continuous staff training, promoting awareness of quality in order to increase employee’s competences.

> To ensure cost optimization through the proper use of human resources, process optimization and materials available.

> To transmit the Quality Policy among all employees.

> Strengthen the commitment and participation of all staff in the development and achievement of objectives.

> To review the Quality Policy updating for continuous adaptation to current requirements.

In its commitment to provide the best service to its customers, APICES is constantly providing improvements to its Quality Management System, thus making it into a dynamic tool for Business Management.

For this reason, APICES management has an absolute commitment to continuous improvement, both customer services and quality management system, which allows APICES to ensure customer satisfaction and to provide added value through studies to society and citizens.

This Quality Policy has been communicated and is available to every employee, customer, shareholder and public authority, as well as the documentation contained in the Quality Manual.

Mission and Vision

> To meet the commitments undertaken with our clients in the activities they entrust us with.

> To maintain our clients’ trust so that they feel secure and serene despite the risk, complexity and magnitude of their projects.

To reach a new competitive dimension, focusing our efforts as a Brand on comprehensive services for clients. (Organisations) seen as people.


To set ourselves apart in the sector by providing excellence in our services, using our know-how and experience in the form of global solutions, and exceeding our clients’ expectations. To guarantee quality in our services while generating peace of mind, confidence and trust four our skateholders.


Corporate Social Quality Policy

At , our management model is based on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). The CSR policy is therefore strategic and designed according to parameters that support the organisation’s mission, vision and values. The integration of CSR in all business areas is seen throughout all of areas of activity. We all share a commitment to CSR, and this is the best possible guarantee of its successful implementation.
APICES is strongly involved in Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility and is strengthening its position as a benchmark company in the CRO sector by applying its Corporate Social Responsibility Model in four areas where we are undertaking the following commitments

Good Governance and Transparency

To consolidate a management model of excellence based on APICES’ values, including on-going dialogue with our stakeholders.



To guarantee equal opportunities, non-discrimination and respect for diversity, promoting a safe and healthy environment. Furthermore, to increase the motivation of APICES team members and strengthen their pride in belonging to a leading company.


Social Actions

To help to solve current social problems by increasing interaction with the social setting, favouring dialogue and fostering a commitment to help those most in need.



To reduce APICES’ environmental impact and help to improve the environmental setting in which it operates.

Ethic Principles

15 years of experience ensuring the clients are delighted with our work.

Reputation Policies

Sustainability Policy

With the rise of transformative technologies and process automation in the market, there are more opportunities than ever to drive efficiencies across the clinical trial lifecycle. From hybrid trials to more sustainable practices. These developments shape the landscape for clinical research in the future.



The IMQ certification agency has verified that the CSR Self-Declaration of provides a reasonable and balanced view regarding the implementation of the basic aspects and issues covered by the ISO 26000:2010 standard. This certification was issued according to the NPR 9026:2011 standard (Cert. No. VA NPR 9026-No. 001/2015)


The IMQ certification agency has verified that the Sustainability Report provides a reasonable and balanced view of its performance in the “essential conformity” category. This certification was issued according to the GRI standars (Cert. APCS-No. 002/2018).


The IMQ certification agency has verified that APICES has adopted the most current version, ISO 9001:2015 to address fulfilling regulatory requirements and customer satisfaction through continuous improvement of the quality system.


The French Minister of Higher Education and Research has granted APICES the authorisation as a research organisation provided for in the French General Tax Code for private research organisations.


EcoVadis has verified that APICES is committed to sustainability in its business decisions. APICES has been awarded a Commitment Badge in recognition of our sustainability achievement.
